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Printing Perfection:
Edible Art for Any Event

Our Direct-to-Food (DTF) printing technology allows us to print intricate and detailed designs directly onto any edible surface. From quality shortbread cookies to marshmallows and chocolate-covered sandwich cookies, we specialize in turning your ideas into edible masterpieces. Whether it's for party favors, trade shows, weddings, brand launches, promotional products, or any special event, our state-of-the-art technology and expertise will bring your vision to life. Get ready to impress your guests with our delicious and visually stunning creations!

Our Mission

Sugar by Nikki is obsessed with “finding the art within the science” of all things sweet! We believe all celebrations should be unique and our 100% edible art will leave people talking for weeks! No matter the size of your event, we’re here to help create your vision.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have minimum orders?

Yes, typically the minimum order is 12. Each product lists the minimum order requirement.

Can you print both sides of my product?

At this time, we only offer one sided print.

Do you have a storefront?

No. We are an Arizona state licensed home-based ecommerce business. However, we do offer appointment-based meetings for large orders.

Where do you ship?

Currently, we are shipping anywhere within the state of Arizona.

Can I pick my order up? 

While we are 100% ecommerce, we can offer pick up for large orders in most cases.

When will my order ship? 

Most orders ship within 7 days. Large orders over 100 products require 14 days.

Do you offer rushed shipment?

We do not offer a rushed shipping option. However, feel free to reach out to us! If we are able to accommodate your request, we happy to do so. 

Do your products contain nuts or other allergens? 

Our products are made in a kitchen that processes nuts and other allergens; therefore, we do not recommend them if you have any food allergies.

How do I store my items until my event? 

Keep products in a cool, dark, dry area. No direct sunlight. Sunlight will cause the ink to fade over time. We DO NOT recommend refrigerating our products.

How long are items fresh?

Products are best consumed within 7 days of arrival. If you have a large event, feel free to reach out to us for help planning the arrival of your order.

I’d like to place a large order for my company, what do I do?

Feel free to use the online system right away if your ready to order! We’re here to help if you need any assistance! Just reach out!

What if I need to cancel? 

If cancelled greater than 24 hours after the order is placed, your card will be charged the full amount. If the order is cancelled within 24 hours, you may be responsible for partial cost incurred prior to cancellation, such as print/image set-up. 

What are the requirements for images? 

​- Files must NOT contain fonts that are less than 6 points in size and/or lines less than 0.5 points in thickness. 


-Acceptable file formats include: JPG, PNG and PDF

-Photo submissions MUST be high-resolution images. (at least 300dpi at 100% imprint size)

-No photos with dark backgrounds.

- We reserve the right to edit text & color to make the best possible image. In the event of noticeable changes, we will contact you.

Do you have guidelines as to what images can be shown on your company’s products? 

-No objectionable words

-No obscenities or inappropriate images

-Images must be owned by you unless permission is granted by the organization that rightfully owns the requested image/design

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